Connect D5 from Rhino
Sync lights if necessary from rhino
Add thickness for glass and play with Specular
Add emissive materials in Rhino
Environment: HDRI, Fog
Effects: Bloom, chromatic abberation
Environment: add precipitation
Add 3D asets with R and C
import button to get geometry inside D5
drag the imported geometry into the scene
pres the target button to move the geometry into correct place
camera settings on top right switch between perspective and 2P Perspective
Check the Assets Button on top left
Assets are Models, Materials, Particles, Scattering
Materials have Specular Stretch Triplanar and UV Scattering properties
the invironment also top-lef has HDRI settings
Sun can be added on top of the HDRI with properties as Position, Altitude etc
Mode assets include people and vegetation
material color acn also be changed pretty quick
... from the Base color texture can be added
View angles can be saved on the top left
in the Effects the Shadow can be further refined
Dont forget about the Double-sided option for glass